Friday, June 13, 2014

Long Distance Dedication to Casey Kasem

After hearing of Casey Kasem’s ailing health what a better way to honor the man than to do my own "Long Distance Dedication!"

Dear Casey,

Photo curtesy of 
I don't know anyone who hasn't grown up with you, including myself. Our lives were shaped by your soft-spoken way of counting down the Top 40 every week. Some of us even remember the voice of Shaggy in Scooby Doo, or other characters from the Hanna-Barbera era. I grew up in the 80's, so the artists at that time included Michael Jackson, Madonna, Hall & Oates, Bruce Springsteen, Foreigner, etc. When you counted down the Top 40 during those years, I was always listening, even if you didn't actually have the voices of the musicians talking about their songs. Your soothing voice related to everyone who was listening, as if you were in our living rooms or wherever our radios were, talking to us. And who could forget those long-distance dedications? A certain song would pop into our heads, and it would remind us of many different things, especially someone we loved or cared about who may have passed on. We could easily relate to the situations posed by the person sending out the dedication. We always liked the songs people picked, and we were happy that we heard them, regardless of the decade. Those were very good days.

Now, we hear your health is failing, and it's very possible you will slip into eternity before we know it. I understand that you adhere to the Druze* faith, a combination of Islam mixed with Greek philosophy, which would explain many of the causes you have attached yourself to, like trying to bring people together, and fighting for peace. Sadly, human nature, and humanist philosophy will not bring us closer to this peace. Many people believe peace to be the absence of conflict, but even that cannot exist. There's something called sin that most of us individuals would not wish to talk about. Although God is loving, sin cannot be in His presence. This is the reason He sent His son, Jesus to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Good works are wonderful things, and we must strive to do them, but they cannot save.When we are saved, our good works will come through. I will impart a few words from Scripture, here:

Isaiah 64:6 KJV
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

I am sure all of us desire a world of peace. There's nothing wrong with that. However, no matter how good we think we can make ourselves, it is not enough to a holy God. Have no fear. God understood that. This is why he made a way to remedy the situation. 

Romans 3:23-26 KJV
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

The word, propitiation is not used in our modern world, but there's a deep meaning to this. It's a word similar to "goodwill"or "favor," so the meaning is very clear that Jesus paid an ultimate price for sin to give us favor. I hope you were able to understand the meaning. This is good news for you if you haven't understood it in these last remaining hours.

Please consider these words carefully. God loves you. He sent His son, Jesus to die for you. He wishes to see you in Paradise. In the last remaing time you have, this is an opportunity to give Jesus everything and accept Him. He is ready and waiting.

Casey, this is my long distance dedication to you. I'm praying you are ready to meet Him, tonight. God bless.

In His name,

*Druze religion:

Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Dear John Letter to Rolling Stone Magazine

I am sure there are a number of folks who have had to write "Dear John" letters. This one goes out to a once-great music magazine. 

Dear Rolling Stone Magazine:

I understand that my subscription will be up very soon. I've been receiving notices letting me know that I will no longer receive Rolling Stone after a certain period of time. Well, I'm afraid it can't come too soon. We once had a really good relationship. I would read your articles on music, and even though there were some political topics that I didn't agree with, I usually bypassed them. Well, there are just a few things I can't ignore.

First of all, whose idea was it to publish a cover article featuring Dzhokar Tsarnaev, the surviving Boston terrorist? (Ref: August 2013 Editioni). Conservatives and liberals alike are shaking their heads at this rather bizarre decision. So, you were trying to create a sympathetic character for everyone to read about, how a "good kid went wrong" scenario. All this may seem cool in the minds of elitists who like to psychoanalize people, but tell that to the families of the dead in Boston who are still living with the nightmare. Tell that to the people who watched the gruesome events that took place at the finish line that day. 

And since when did a magazine that was once dedicated to the music industry decide to delve into politics? Yes, I have a conservative worldview. Not everyone views the world the same way. You seem to have this idea that everyone in the entertainment industry must be liberal. Some musicians don't get into politics and they prefer to keep their craft seperate from their politics. If you would ever like to see a subscription from me ever again, write your own political magazine and stick with the music industry. Save politics for people who actually know what they're talking about. 

I remember hearing musicians talk about how they would do everything to get themselves on the cover of Rolling Stone. Now, they say that they could care less anymore. Seems that music, television and movies seem to be connected into one entertainment media. They used to have their own identities at one time. Seems also that if you believe the right things, say the right things, fight for the same causes, you'll make the Rolling Stone cover for the next issue. I really can't go with that, and it's sad that the music industry doesn't have its own identity like it used to. Maybe it's because of shows like American Idol that have made the entertainment world seem like one big giant mess. 
But I will give you some credit where credit is due. You did a cover article on Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day after his recovery out of rehab. It sounds like he's staying off of drugs and getting better. That's a good thing. I wish Rolling Stone could do more articles like that. Yes, it had to come on the heels of his meltdown at the iHeart Radio Festival, but even he realized that he was losing it and needed help. He's still in my prayers even as we speak.

Unfortunately, our relationship has come to an end. I am sure there are many musicians who feel the same way. Years ago, Rolling Stone had a reason to brag. Now, you are just irrelevant. I hope you find what made you a once-great magazine, and stick to it.

Lia (LadyRocker)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

World War III vs. The Ongoing Culture War

This was first published on Facebook in dealing with the VMA's but gradually, it has had plenty to do with the Grammys as well. I have updated this to reflect as such. And yes, it's been awhile since I published a blog here.
I don't have cable, so I didn't watch the VMA's. For the past 15  years, MTV has ceased to be about music, but it has always been about pushing boundaries. Similarly, the Grammys were always a classy event, that is, until recent years. However, after seeing several clips and photos via YouTube, I have a few things to say. I also have to comment on this year’s Grammy Awards, as this is also relevant.
I know some feminists will say that the performances of Miley Cyrus and Lady GaGa at the VMA;s empower women, but the truth is, the whole mindset of sexualizing oneself has never made a woman empowered and has only made the men who "want it" feel they've got the right. Ladies, God made you better than this.
The Grammys went into several different directions with Katy Perry doing a performance that even made the best liberals puzzled, especially when they referred to it as “witchcraft.” Of course, Lady GaGa, BeyoncĂ© and others would not be outdone in their sexualizing everything under the sun. And let’s not forget the rather unsettling fact that the entertainment industry has pushed tolerance to a new level in the mass gay weddings with Mackelmore fronting everything and Queen Latifah officiating.
Conservatives often complain that we spend too much time focusing on thesetawdry performances, but the truth of the matter is, we are in a culture war, even when there is war looming in the Middle East. Certainly, it is no secret that the situation in Egypt and in Syria are dire. Back on the homefront, there is a war that is just as intense. We are fighting a war in the minds and hearts of our young people, and in order to numb reality, we are selling an "anything goes" culture. Is it any wonder why society is attempting to introduce Islam to the rather debased culture of our time? It is a distinct possibility, but is hiding a woman behind a veil the answer to our feminist woes? Not really. It may hide a woman, but the man's sexual appitite still cannot be satisfied.
Here’s something for the women reading this: I look at all the godly women in the Bible and understand what made them great. Sarah birthed the nation of Isreal through Isaac, and even though she tried to "help God" in His plan, He still blessed her, greatly. Miriam led the Children of Israel out of Egypt as a musician. Rahab, a former prostitute, welcomed two of Israel's spies into her home, and later, her household was saved from the fall of Jericho. Deborah, a prophetess and songwriter, was commissioned to be Israel's only female judge, and served as a great leader in a time of war. Ruth, a Moabite, showed kindness to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and in return, married Boaz, and later had a son, Obed, who would be an ancestor to King David, as well as Jesus Christ. Esther became the Queen of Persia, and in turn, she was able to save her people from a possible slaughter. And who could forget Mary, the mother of Jesus? Obviously, there are other women I could name, but this is just the basics. They didn't need to sexualize themselves in order to become great. They were great because God worked through them.
Here’s something for the fellas, and ladies can also benefit as well: Remember that we’re not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of this dark world and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). Our armor should be on constantly as we engage others in this culture war. My friends and I have really tried to pray for those in the industry, and it can be quite difficult, but we do it because there is a need. Pray for the entertainment industry. The war in the culture will continue to get worse if we forget Whom we are serving.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


I don't normally do politics on this blog, but this was well in my reach of entertainment, I decided to comment and share.

Last week was the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade,  making abortion legal in all 50 states.  Many people have often argued in terms of phrases like, "a woman's right," "pro-choice," "reproductive rights" or my all-time favorite, "women's health."  These terms simply put a Band-Aid on what abortion really is, the murder of the unborn.  Planned Parenthood has done its best to hide that fact from the public, especially from vulnerable women and girls.  After all,  if you call abortion anything other than what it really is, you can sell it to just about anyone.

Understanding this, the abortion racket has decided to try to sell their lurid business in other ways.   Recently YouTube posted a video to commemorate the anniversary.  Using actor, Mechad Brooks, this ad sponsored by the Center for Reproductive Rights attempts to give it a more romantic feel.

First thing I see when I look at this is, "creepy."  Yeah, I said it: creepy.  Whatever side of the issue you're on, you have to admit it gives a woman a sick feeling that her man is selling this Barry White-styled appeal for abortion so he can get what he wants without consequences.  Yes, indeed.  This is what our culture of death has come down to.  Oddly enough, this would make the late Margaret Sanger proud to know that an African-American was pitching this ad, seeing that she used black ministers and other African-Americans to sell abortion and birth control as a means of rooting out "human weeds," as she called them.

How should we respond as Christians?  This should come as no surprise to anyone who has seen the moral decline of our culture.  Sex sells cars, food, and yes, even abortions.  How do we deal, anyway?  Well, for one thing, take time to discuss what abortion is really all about.  Forget the buzzwords that keep coming up. They're an obvious cover for what really takes place.  If you know someone who has experienced abortion, take time to get to the root of the problem.  If you cannot, pray for an opening in the conversation.  You might want to take the time to show this ad to someone who's supposedly "pro-choice."  I think we can all agree that this is a twisted way to celebrate abortion.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Is this acceptable?

Last week, I wrote a blog about Billie Joe Armstrong's meltdown at the iHeart Radio Festival in Las Vegas. I don't think I need to re-post the video.  What we saw was a childish temper tantrum by someone old enough to know better.  Fans of Green Day and other so-called "non-conformist" types chimed in on several posts either on YouTube or Facebook, praising Billie Joe for his "taking a stand," all the while, ignoring the guy may have some serious issues not dealt with.  When it all came down, Billie Joe was very self-centered in his approach to the whole thing.  I doubt he really took into account of how it would affect the rest of Green Day.  To say the least, it was all about him.

Similarly, I read an article on the Blabbermouth site about Anette Olzon leaving Nightwish, a well-known Finnish symphonic metal band.  From what I gathered, the band would have had to cancel several shows due to Anette being too ill to perform, so they hired two substitute singers to take her place so that the shows would not be cancelled.  Unfortunately, this didn't go well for Anette, and she was quite miffed.  Although she didn't go off like Billie Joe did, she certainly showed her disapproval, as if no one could possibly take her place.

Two different situations, two different reactions, but the same attitude that many who are in entertainment seem to give off.  I'm not sure if anyone would see the same thing I do in this, but if I had children, I would never accept this type of behavior.  I'm sure I'm talking to several parents out there.  They talk about the "terrible twos" where kids would often throw themselves on the floor and yell and scream about not getting what they want.  Most parents I know will let that child wear himself or herself out.  Often, I've heard stuff like, "Too bad, you're not getting it."  As the Rolling Stones said in one song, "You can't always get what you want."  If we don't accept this from our children, why then, do we as a society, accept it from our entertainers?  Why are we so quick to jump to their defense when an entertainer feels he or she is being wronged or snubbed?  Is it an illusion of invincibility, that somehow, we blind ourselves to the fact that our entertainers are actually real people who somehow need to be brought down to earth?

I can even remember when I was in college and feeling like I was at the top of my game, and sometimes acting like it.  That was until I went to California State University, Fresno.  Literally, I was brought down to earth when I realized there were other female singers who could outdo me in range and performance.  That, in itself was a humbling experience, and something that needed to happen before I went any further in life as a musician.

So, what does the Bible have to say about this?  Plenty.

Proverbs 16:18

King James Version (KJV)
18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

This lesson may not yet apply to Anette Olzon.  Billie Joe ended up learning it the hard way.  All his reaction did was bring him a broken guitar and a trip to rehab.

Jesus had a few words to say as well. 

Matthew 23:11-12

King James Version (KJV)
11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Being humbled may not be the most comfortable thing in the world.  In fact, it can make a person feel smaller than small.  However, consider that the "least shall be the greatest" in the words of Jesus.  He knew how to lift us up in a way that HE gets the glory, not us.  So, as such, we should continue to pray for our entertainers.  After all, they are seen as leaders, but like any of us, they need to be brought down to earth to understand what life is really like away from the glitz.  In the end, they're just like you and me.  They're just in the spotlight, more.

Friday, September 28, 2012

40 Days of Prayer for America - Google+

40 Days of Prayer for America - Google+

I wanted to make sure I posted this and created an event on the Google+ site.  I haven't given up on our nation, yet.  So, we should be diligent as ever.  Rarely am I ever going to discuss politics on my page, and this is not about that so much as it is about prayer.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ode to Billie Joe?

Bobbie Gentry recorded a song back in 1967 called, "Ode to Billy Joe" which was a ballad about a young man who threw himself off the Tallahatchie Bridge.  While there seems to be some mystery behind the song, there's no mystery behind the meltdown of Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day.  Recently, he threw himself off into a rant mode at the iHeart Radio festival in Las Vegas.  After being told he had only one minute of performance time,  a frustrated Billie Joe went into a long, profanity-filled diatribe about the music industry.  The end result?  Rehab two days later.

Oh dear!  What a mess!  Well, it seems that Billie Joe is no stranger to controversy, and he will always have that certain smugness that goes along with the pop-punk attitude that showed through in early songs like "Longview," and "Basket Case" from the Dookie album.  As he got older, the songs became more introspective, though negative, which is quite plain in the song, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams."  He has a mocking fascination with Catholic symbolism, as stated in songs like, "Jesus of Suburbia" and "Church on Sunday."

Whether he checked into rehab on his own or whether his management insisted he'd better "clean up," it's very clear that this attitude of absurdism coupled with nihilism has basically burned him inside out.  Maybe this stint in rehab will make him realize just how fallible he really is, and maybe give him a look into his own life.

The Rock of Intercession group spent an evening praying for Green Day, but mainly, Billie Joe.  I've never been a huge fan of his music, but somehow, the Lord impressed on me that we should be praying for him.  Well, we had a bit of prodding from my best friend after reading on Twitter about this episode in Las Vegas. It was necessary to do just that, and I hope more people get on board.  Part of what Rock of Intercession does is helping the Body of Christ understand that our entertainers, though they have a lot of money and fame, are like the rest of us, broken and frustrated.  I believe Jesus said it best when it comes to the whole issue of who is master:

Matthew 6:24 (KJV)
"No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will hold to the one and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

Those of us who are believers are going to continue to pray for Billie Joe.  Hopefully, he'll find healing inside AND out.