Sunday, August 5, 2012

Late-Night Journaling: For Now, It's About Me!

Yeah, I know.  I am just barely starting out, but I want to have everyone get to know me just a bit better.  First of all, let me start off by telling everyone who I am.  First of all, I'm a child of God, and as such, everything I do, I try to do according to God's Word, the Bible.  Some will probably let me know when I am out of line.

I am a naturalized citizen to the United States, which could probably account for my often, patriotic posting on Facebook in dealing with the country as a whole.  I have been in this country since I was fifteen and a half months old.  Now that this is all settled, I will do my best to describe what I do.

I am a musician.  I am a vocalist and keyboardist for both electric and acoustic piano.  My musical dream is to create a Christian band similar to Nightwish.  Very few musicians in the US want to take that route.  However, I'm willing to take that rist.  I could never be pigeonholed in a style, as when I was a teenger, it was all about classic rock.  When I was an adult, however, my style soon changed to metal, and I am loving it!  I'm familiar with a lot of bands in the 80's, but I love Scandinavian power metal.

I have two pages on Facebook.  One is dedicated to promoting musicians and the other one is dedicated to promoting prayer for musicians, both secular and Christian.  You may be able to find Christian Rock and Fellowship and Rock of Intercession if you type in the names, but I thought perhaps I should simply post the links in the text for all Facebook users.

So, now, that I've got everyone's attention, I'll be posting here a few blogs from time to time.  Some are old, but still relevant.  Some are new, but they will make sense in due time.

See you on the flip!

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